Sadly I failed to take notes on 8/06/08
New session 15/06/08
Dr Ferrell Taft's (one of the technical wizards who are part of the Seven Seconds) daughter has been kidnapped (probably by Robert Wang (who we suspect, we don't know why) as has Jesus (Seven Seconds pilot), who is supposed to be swapped for one of the player characters at some point.
We have just laid a trap for Dr Yin Wu's henchmen, or Styx (mind control man) by pretending to transport Lex Brathen (I can't remember who he is!). Yin Wu's henchmen attacked us, and we took them down very quickly. Only a couple of them were dead, but then all of their heads explode, killing them all, so we have no-one who can be interrogated.
Lex wakes from his unconciousness, so we ask him if he recognises a picture of Robert Wang. He says that the Shono Conglomerate is one part of Yin Wu's empire. Dr Yin Wu has cells throughout the city, and he never has people come to his place. Styx is an "associate" of Yin Wu, not an employee. He is completely bullet-proof. That is all he will admit to knowing.
At 7pm, I am going to the mega mall food court to sort out the hostage swap. I have taken a radioactive tracer, so that I can be found.
V gives me additional strength (up to 25) V and Jax disguise themselves, and go into the food court 15 mins before me.
I arrive to see Robert Wang sitting at a table. I sit, and he scans me for weapons.
I ask about Jesus, and he is shown to me at the other end of the concourse. I then go the car with him.
Side story - Harbinger has shot a couple of Card Shark agents who were entering a Go tournament tomorrow.
We get to the Carlton Executive suites (tower blocks), which contain offices of Hubbes and Co (his insurance co) on the 29th and 30th floor.
However, we don't stop there, but go up to the helicopter on the roof. The others decide not to rescue me, but to follow the copter, which is full of bad guys.
The copter lands on the back of a yacht (The Blossom) in the middle of the sea. The others plan an airborne assault - using flight spells; V can cast it, and the Tarot deck has a flight spell.
Jax's landing could have been (a lot) smoother, but the noise doesn't seem to attract any attention.
They explore the top of the boat to see if they can find a way in, finally settling on the bridge. Jax finds a guard at the far end of a long corridor - V mind controls him to stop him giving the alarm, then Jax takes him apart, knocking him through the door into the bridge. There are three other people on the bridge. Jax then cuts one down with his sword, following up with a sword in the face of one of the others. The final guy surrenders!
Meanwhile I am taken in to see Robert Wang, who say that he wants to offer us a six-figure sum each to stop investigating the death of J. P. Kendrick (original exploding head man), and then he drugs me, saying that I will wake up back in my apartment.
Meanwhile, the others are sneaking around to try to find me.
"Cleansing" the Village
16 years ago